Jude Color Solutions

Wall clock 876112B

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Time is a basic necessity in our day today hustles and a wall clock is that device that measures and indicates time. By telling time, we can manage and schedule hours for our day-to-day activities because without time, life would be a complete mess and full of confusion. But apart from the clock dealing with time, it is one of those essential items that can make an incredible addition to any house or office interior since there is always a clock to match your style, theme, and color of your room. It is of high quality, affordable and can easily fit your budget. This wall clock has a glass on the front which is screwed on to a board. It can be used as a promotional wall clock to keep your company’s name and logo in the forefront of your clients’ minds and faces. It can as well be customised with photos, a message or your favourite quote. It is perfect for gift-giving among families, people in love on; Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagement, Weddings, Token of appreciation, Retirements or as Holiday gifts.

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